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How to Build a Personal Brand to Sell Better

...and Close More Deals



Brands: they’re not just for businesses.

Sales reps that develop their own personal brands will find more success in their profession; those who don’t will be left behind.

This webinar is a guide to what personal branding means and how reps can bolster their own to not only get more deals but progress further in their careers.

What You’ll Learn:

  • What we mean by “personal brand” and what you need to create one
  • How a stronger personal brand can help you fill your pipeline
  • Branding steps to take and missteps to avoid
  • How to attract more favorable attention and develop a strong reputation




Stefania Brunori




Stefania Brunori

Branding & Marketing Strategist

Nicolas Baratciart

CEO, NB Coaching

Host: Guillaume Larronde

CEO, Extra Mile Sales